UltraCrete bring the road repair funding deficit to the forefront at Westminster

Official sponsors of National Pothole Day, UltraCrete, and ally, Mr Pothole (AKA Mark Morrell), protested about the deficit in funding for road repairs by driving a bright orange tank through London on National Pothole Day, 15 January 2020.

‘Potty’ as this may seem, their mission was to draw attention to the current shortfall in road repair funding, with the hope that more can be done to release cash to help local authorities and the like, tackle the crumbling road networks permanently.

Response and backing for the event from local authorities, members of the public and press was very positive, with many taking to social media to reinforce their support. Indeed, the campaign hashtag, ‘NoMorePotholesUK’ trended throughout the day, with a raft of posts covering the campaign spectacle and it’s messaging.

The UltraCrete team and Mr Pothole remain optimistic that the event and campaign has influenced the relevant bodies and that the required additional funding will be released in March of this year.

Richard Moss, UltraCrete Brand Manager, commented: “We are very pleased with the event and all it has achieved. We believe we have brought the issue of the funding shortfall to the forefront of the political agenda and hope to have provided recognition that the current funding just isn’t enough. Throughout the campaign, we have also found that local authorities are really on board with a rethink on how to approach repairs, with a drive to using permanent, durable products, a planned maintenance approach and programs to educate teams on best repair practice. The successful adoption of all these aspects should make a solution to the pothole problem very achievable.”

To help organisations involved in road and pavement repairs further, UltraCrete is offering 20% off cold lay products until the end of January. Click here for further information.

UltraCrete also offer comprehensive pothole repair training at their state of the art HQ. For more information or to book a demo click here.

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