It’s a crime not to prime

Priming is an important part of any paving installation but is something that is often overlooked. Neglecting to include a primer, such as UltraScape pro-prime slurry primer, can have disastrous consequences for your project and as a result the reputation of your business.

Traditionally, paving elements would be laid directly onto the bedding mortar, but due to ever-increasing traffic loading, street cleaning and general  wear and tear, paving often breaks away from the mortar, resulting in many high profile, costly failures and associated litigation.

The weather also plays a significant role in the destruction of paving. However, the additional bond a primer provides will help protect your paving from damage and de-bonding caused by the cold, heat, wet and freezing weather conditions.

The addition of a priming layer between the paving element and bedding mortar, yields an extremely high bond strength which prevents these types of failure, increasing the life expectancy of your paving and reducing ongoing maintenance costs.

British Standard 7533 was modified to reflect this change and now states all paving installations should have a bond strength greater than 2N/mm², double the previous requirement. This can only be achieved by using a priming agent such as UltraScape pro-prime.

UltraScape pro-prime is a slurry primer manufactured to meet the demanding requirements of BS 7533. Suitable for use with all paving types including stone and porcelain pavers, UltraScape pro-prime is simple to use and is proven to increase adhesion, preventing failure and prolonging the life of your project.

What’s more, UltraScape pro-prime has been NBS Plus Registered which means you can add this BS 7533 compliant slurry primer to your specification with just one click. To find out more, and to view a complete list of UltraScape’s NBS Plus Registered products, please visit

UltraScape pro-prime is just one of the products in UltraScape’s BS 7533 Mortar Paving System – a system that guarantees compatibility and reduces split liability. Also available is UltraScape eco-bed, a high performance bedding mortar which contains 20% recycled material and world renowned flowable grout, UltraScape flowpoint.

Prolong the life of your installation with UltraScape pro-prime  slurry primer. For further product information, pricing enquiries, or to request a visit from a member of their experienced team, please contact UltraScape by email or by calling 01827 254402.

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IJK Flooring

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