M60 is our market leading rapid strength mortar, for use with all access covers, as well as for the bonding of granite setts, flags and bedding kerbs. HAPAS approved since 2005, M60 also conforms to HD27/15, has a rapid strength gain and can be opened to traffic in 1 hour.
How much do you need for your job?
Kier have recorded a 82% reduction in repeat visits to the same pothole repair site after using Tough Patch® Leading UK...
Read moreInterested in finding out more about our range of products? Why not join us on an upcoming Material Awareness Day....
Start LearningFor the last 18 months we have fully adopted a HAPAS approved reinstatement system for ironwork and we have had no failures at all. As a result of this, we have also now upgraded the County’s Code of Practice for Ironwork so that the use of HAPAS & CD534 materials are specified.
Senior Highways Technician
Head Office
Danny Morson Way
Birch Coppice Business Park
Dordon, Tamworth B78 1SE
UK Tel: +44 (0) 1827 254 400
Scotland & Ireland Office
Suite 1 E/F Liberty House
15 Cromarty Campus
Rosyth, Fife KY11 2YB
Scottish Tel: +44 (0) 141 260 9051
Irish Tel: +44 (0) 141 260 9053